A full-featured QuickTime movie player. This version includes several System 7.5 enhancements including AppleScript, AppleGuide, Macintosh Drag & Drop, Thread Manager and QuickTime 2.0 support.
MovieMunger is an image processing program which allows users to do special effects on QuickTime movies and PICT files. These effects include convolutions (blurs, sharpens, embosses) and textures. Included are a convolution editor (allowing the user to create their own custom filters) and a texture editor (allowing the user to create their own custom textures). This program is for PowerPC systems only.
ScreenMovie Fat 1.5
ScreenMovie is a QuickTime utility for the Macintosh. The user can record the screen as a QuickTime movie, record audio up to 16bit 48KHz stereo, and record MIDI tracks. Other features are also included. ScreenMovie will run in 68K as well as PowerPC native code.
This useful program is more than a QuickTime movie player. By using this program, you will experience the real power of Power PC. SEMERT is more than a just simple QuickTime player, but (as its full name implies) a real-time movie effects application. Will only run on a Power Mac.
Synth MooVier 1.5.2
Synth MooVier 1.5.2 is an application that allows you to create 3D QuickTime movies.Requires System 6.0.7 or higher and QuickTime (recommended 1.5 or better).